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How to create a simple GUI calculator using Tkinter in Python

In this blog post, I will show you how to create a simple GUI calculator using Tkinter in Python. Tkinter is a standard library module that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for Python programs. It is easy to use and comes with many widgets that can be used to create various types of GUI applications. To create a calculator, we will need the following widgets: - A `Label` to display the result of the calculation - A `Entry` to enter the numbers and operators - A `Button` to perform the calculation - A `Frame` to organize the buttons in a grid layout The steps to create the calculator are as follows: 1. Import the Tkinter module and create a root window 2. Create a label and an entry and place them at the top of the window 3. Create a frame and place it below the entry 4. Create 16 buttons for the digits (0-9), the decimal point (.), and the operators (+, -, *, /, =, C) and place them in the frame using a grid layout 5. Define a function that will be called when a button is clic...

How to use Python in Phone in 2023

How to Use Python on Your Phone with Pydroid App and Write Your First Hello World Program Python is a popular and versatile programming language that can be used for various purposes, such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more. But did you know that you can also use Python on your phone? Yes, you read that right. You can write and run Python code on your Android device with the help of an app called Pydroid 3. Pydroid 3 is a powerful and easy-to-use Python 3 IDE for Android that lets you create and run Python programs offline. It also comes with a pip package manager and a custom repository for prebuilt wheel packages for enhanced scientific libraries, such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn and jupyter. You can also use Pydroid 3 to build web apps with Django, graphical user interfaces with Tkinter or PyQt5, games with pygame 2, and more. In this blog post, I will show you how to install Pydroid 3 on your phone and write your first hello world program in...

How to create a button in Tkinter Python

 Hello guys,  In this blog we are going to learn how to create  a button in Python GUI using Tkinter. HERE"s THE CODE #how to create a button IN python GUI Tkinter import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() button = tk.Button(text="Button").pack() root.mainloop() If you are intrested to know how this work i shall be posting in next blog.

How to create a login page in Tkinter [PYTHON] {VS CODE}

if You want to create a login page in tkinter here's the  tutorial   Insure that you have installed Tkinter Module VIDEO: Source code: from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.geometry( "700x455" ) def k():     Label(text= "Login UnSuccesful" ,font= "timesnewroman 12 bold" ).grid(row= 12 ,column= 3 ) i = Label(text= "User ID" ,font= "comicsansm 15 bold" ).grid(row= 2 ,column= 2 ) j = Label(text= "Password" ,font= "comicsansm 15 bold" ).grid(row= 3 ,column= 2 ) Label(text= "LOGIN SETUP" ,font= "callebri 13 bold" ,padx= 540 ).grid(row= 0 ,column= 3 ,columnspan= 9 ) user = Entry(textvariable=i).grid(row= 2 ,column= 3 ) passwd = Entry(textvariable=j).grid(row= 3 ,column= 3 ) Button(text= "SUBMIT" ,command=k,font= "helvatica 10 bold" ).grid(row = 6 , column= 3 ) root.mainloop()

How to write hello world in C programming language

" How to write hello world in C programming language" To print hello world in c,  We need to include input and output extension by using   #include<stdio.h> Source code --  #include<stdio.h> int main(){  printf("Hello world");  return 0;   } Int main() is the main function  "Return 0" if program runs successfully And printf("Here goes your text); is print function in c.

How to create a simple command line calculator using python 3 code

 Hello Everyone. In this blog you are going to see how to create a command line calculator using python 3 . This is the code you can copy - : #calculator which will continue calculating when you won't stop while True:  user = input("Do You Want To Continue Calculation? \n Press y for continue and n for cancel.\n")  if user == 'n':   print("Sorry For Inconvenience.....")         break  elif user == 'y':   print("Calculator Is On")   print("Which Operation You want?\n + = Addition\n - = Substraction \n * = Multiplication \n / = Divide\n")      user_c = input()      first_nu = int(input("Enter The First Number:\n"))   second_nu = int(input("Enter The Second Number:\n"))      add = (first_nu + second_nu)   sub = (first_nu - second_nu)   multiple = (first_nu * second_nu)   div = (first_nu / second_nu)            if user_c == '+': ...