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How to create a login page in Tkinter [PYTHON] {VS CODE}

if You want to create a login page in tkinter here's the  tutorial   Insure that you have installed Tkinter Module VIDEO: Source code: from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.geometry( "700x455" ) def k():     Label(text= "Login UnSuccesful" ,font= "timesnewroman 12 bold" ).grid(row= 12 ,column= 3 ) i = Label(text= "User ID" ,font= "comicsansm 15 bold" ).grid(row= 2 ,column= 2 ) j = Label(text= "Password" ,font= "comicsansm 15 bold" ).grid(row= 3 ,column= 2 ) Label(text= "LOGIN SETUP" ,font= "callebri 13 bold" ,padx= 540 ).grid(row= 0 ,column= 3 ,columnspan= 9 ) user = Entry(textvariable=i).grid(row= 2 ,column= 3 ) passwd = Entry(textvariable=j).grid(row= 3 ,column= 3 ) Button(text= "SUBMIT" ,command=k,font= "helvatica 10 bold" ).grid(row = 6 , column= 3 ) root.mainloop()

How to write hello world in C programming language

" How to write hello world in C programming language" To print hello world in c,  We need to include input and output extension by using   #include<stdio.h> Source code --  #include<stdio.h> int main(){  printf("Hello world");  return 0;   } Int main() is the main function  "Return 0" if program runs successfully And printf("Here goes your text); is print function in c.

How to create a simple command line calculator using python 3 code

 Hello Everyone. In this blog you are going to see how to create a command line calculator using python 3 . This is the code you can copy - : #calculator which will continue calculating when you won't stop while True:  user = input("Do You Want To Continue Calculation? \n Press y for continue and n for cancel.\n")  if user == 'n':   print("Sorry For Inconvenience.....")         break  elif user == 'y':   print("Calculator Is On")   print("Which Operation You want?\n + = Addition\n - = Substraction \n * = Multiplication \n / = Divide\n")      user_c = input()      first_nu = int(input("Enter The First Number:\n"))   second_nu = int(input("Enter The Second Number:\n"))      add = (first_nu + second_nu)   sub = (first_nu - second_nu)   multiple = (first_nu * second_nu)   div = (first_nu / second_nu)            if user_c == '+': ...

How to check the current version running in the Smartphone?

How to check the version running in the android device. Nowadays Android Phone is popular among us but what if we don't know which is the version running?  So in this blog You are going to find the answer how to check the current version of Android. Here's a Screenshot  There's a Section in about phone  " Android Version" Here You can see which is the version of Android running in Your Smartphone. If it's start with 9 it is 9th version of Android As like as if it starts with 10 it is 10th version of Android.. Thank You For reading Comment if you have any Smartphone related problems. Dm me on Instagram   Instagram  https:/

How to get input from user in python?

 Welcome Guys. In this blog i am going to take you in the world of python ..  If You Want to Take input from user you can use input function which is built in . Here's a code to get input from user //Code user_input = input("Give Your Input?") // You can print this by printing  print(user_input) Hope everyone get that . Comments please  Instagram  - Twitter -  

Comments in python?

If you know a little bit of programming language then You are use to with term "Comments" in programming.. In Python comments are separated by "#" hash symbol. But when you want to use comments for multi lines this can be declared with (  '''  ) three  Quotation marks. Follow  for further updates.. Dm me on Instagram and tell me how you guys want me to continue further.